Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Al Jazeera

1. How effective do you think the Internet will be for Al Jazeera as it attempts to reach a U.S. audience? I think it is going to be difficult for Al Jazeera to use the internet as the sole means of reaching a U.S. audience, but at the same time, although they may not retain steady U.S. viewers, I think they will have a small following as the information is pertinent to U.S. dwellers as well as contains information around the world. I think they need to advertise themselves better in order to gain a U.S. audience through the internet.

2. Based on your own observations, do you think that Al Jazeera English should be allowed to broadcast in the U.S.? Initially I didn't think it should be posted in the U.S. but after I thought about the information that was being presented, I like the way the explain the information and don't take sides. It is simply presented and the anchor's help in the transition. I think U.S. viewers would be refreshed by the diversity in information and location.

3. What, if anything, do you notice about Al Jazeera's approach to telling the news? How is it different than the U.S.-based TV news outlets that you have experienced? On U.S. local news stations, they talk about the news from their news desks and show clips from whatever it is they are talking about. Al Jazeera uses the news anchor as a transition into the next clip and Al Jazeera reporters seem a lot more involved in the reporting. Instead of projecting only what the U.S. is doing, it shows what all countries are doing. It doesn't have a dominating U.S. background support.

4. While on the Al Jazeera site, be sure to check out the network's published Code of Ethics. Based on your own observations, do you think they are adhering to them? I did not see in the Al Jazeera episode that I watched anything that went against their Code of Ethics, and before I read this code I already had commented on how I appreciate that the simply present the information and do not have an opinion.

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